Archive for November, 2009

This IS a parody, right?

Just what are we willing to eat, if it comes on a circle of dough in a cardboard box?

Ode (walla) to sugar: is 52 grams really so much?

(Second in a series) Our story so far: We were looking at a bottle of juice, remember? The bottle of real, honest-to-goodness, 100% juice, no added sugar. The one with “only” 52 grams of naturally occurring sugar in it. What’s the big deal about 52 grams (a.k.a. 12 teaspoons) of sugar?  That’s a good question. […]

Meeting Minutes — November 17, 2009

Present: Lisa Heldke, Joe Lencioni, Stacey Gerken, Judy Douglass, Sujay Rao, Rebecca Welp, Deborah Downs Meiers, Jim Dontje, Mike Stehlik, Phil Finnochario, Steve Kjellgren Chief agenda item: “Continuing” the discussion of an ethical decision making framework for the Dining Service. Given the concrete issue currently on the table before us (water bottles), I propose that […]

Who’d Walla drink all that sugar?

(First in a sugary series) When’s the last time you sat down to a bowl of 12 or 13 teaspoons of sugar? (Translation: just over a quarter cup of sugar. Translation: 52 grams of sugar. Translation: one-eighth of a pound of sugar. Translation: thirteen sugar cubes. Translation: a whole lotta grittiness in your mouth.) The […]

Who Owns Your Favorite Organic Brands?

Do you drink Odwalla smoothies? That’s a Coca-Cola product. Horizon milk? Dean owns that. Dagoba chocolate? You’re eating a Hershey bar. Philip H. Howard, PhD, an assistant professor at Michigan State University has produced a set of Information Graphics that give a good overview of the organic industry structure.

Watch The Botony of Desire

PBS is currently running  a special based on Michael Pollan’s best-selling book, The Botany of Desire, in which he explores the question, “do plants use humans as much as we use them?” …this special takes viewers on an eye-opening exploration of the human relationship with the plant world, seen from the plants’ point of view. […]

Meeting Minutes — October 20, 2009

Present: Jim Dontje, Judy Douglass, Deborah Downs Miers, Phil Finnochario, Stacey Gerken, Chris Hall, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Joe Lencioni, Marilla MacGregor, Sujay Rao, Mike Stehlik Chief agenda item: “Continuing” the discussion of an ethical decision making framework for the Dining Service. Given the concrete issue currently on the table before us (water bottles), I […]

Minneapolis-St. Paul Atlas of Ethical Eating

Looking for a good place for dinner but are worried that eating out may compromise your ethics? Worry no more. The Heavy Table (a Twin Cities-based magazine telling the stories of food and drink in the Upper Midwest), Danny Schwartzman of Common Roots, veterinarian Will Winter of Thousand Hills Cattle company, and Jane Rosemarin from Slow Food Minnesota […]