Entries tagged with ‘climate’
Low carbon choices at the table
Here’s some handy information from the folks at the University of California Davis: Science for Stewardship and Human Wellbeing Food and Global Warming: The “Hotspots” What the research tell us… Highest energy and greenhouse gas emissions are associated with: Livestock-related methane and nitrous oxide emissions Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers Heated greenhouse production Air freight Post-retail, consumer […]
It’s not just miles that count.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all our food were locally grown? Wouldn’t the world be a better place? Well, not necessarily. As a study at the University of Wales showed, the energy used in transporting food to market represents just a tiny fraction of the energy used to grow food. Conventionally raised foods (i.e. raised […]
Sweden: on the forefront of “climate-friendly food”
Swedish authorities develop guidelines on climate-friendly food choices June 18, 2009 From Swedish News on Climate Change: Swedish authorities are the first in Europe to develop guidelines on climate-friendly food choices. The Swedish National Food administration has been working with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to produce food recommendations that include information on the impact […]