Present: (I forgot to note attendance.)
To do list
Big and small things that we’ve identified, along with people who promised to do them
- Check in with Lisa and/or Steve about your continued involvement with KC: everyone
- Check in with Barb Larson Taylor re: sustainability document: [unassigned]
- Develop a “purchasing priorities” document that defines, among other things, “local”: Lisa will start. Joiners welcome.
- Dining Service Director
- Steve opened the meeting by showing the Gustieware video produced by a student in Communication Studies last term. It’s a very effective piece of advertising for the return system. Ideas for its use:
- Put it on the DS homepage.
- Use it during first year orientation
- Show it on GAC T.V. (before movies, e.g.)
- He also reported that the new budgeting structure worked well, with only a few students even asking questions at the end of the term. It helped a lot that he’d gone to Senate to ask them for suggestions about how to explain the system, and that DS is very “up front” about the way dollars are spent.
- Steve opened the meeting by showing the Gustieware video produced by a student in Communication Studies last term. It’s a very effective piece of advertising for the return system. Ideas for its use:
- Sustainability meeting with president
- The president sought to assure representatives at the meeting that sustainability “is in there” in the strategic planning documents.
- The document this group produced was to be distributed to the chairs of all G150 groups, who can disseminate it to their groups as they see fit.
- Next step: consult with Barb Larson Taylor to see what next steps are.
New Business
- Joe floated the idea of a KCab blog, which would be syndicated (Lisa’s new computer word for the meeting) on the GAC network. It would be a place for commentary, and also for things like the video. After some discussion, the group decided that a freestanding blog (not one within the DS website) would be a way to go.
- All KC members are eligible to post to the blog; this can be a place to try out a theory, post a news item, or invite comments from the community. Items may migrate out of this blog to other places on the GAC website. It can be a useful way to get the word out about items of importance.
- Next semester: no intern has materialized. [Lisa’s note: this picture has changed since the meeting and we may actually end up with someone.] With or without an intern, what should be the priority of the group for the spring?
- Communication. Educating students about the impact of their choices, e.g. on the environment, their health, their wallets.
- Nutrition.
- Bruce Johnson’s advanced students will be working with DS on a research project related to nutrition in the DS. DS will be a kind of “client” for this class. Talk with Bruce and/or Steve for further details, and watch for reports as the project unfolds.
- Given this priority, make it a priority to invite Health Service, and ensure that a member of that staff is able to attend our meetings and get involved.
- The recipe project: PA Sam Grace came to tell the group about his project for the spring semester, to gather recipes for dishes that students concoct in the DS. He presented samples of recipes he’s already collected, and discussed his ideas for an index-card “cookbook” students could take with them when they go to dinner. Steve noted that the practice of creating your own dishes is entirely acceptable; billing is sometimes tricky, but this can be negotiated/developed. Sam is exploring the idea of a recipe contest.
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