Kitchen Cabinet Launches Kitchen Cabinet Conversations! Posted on September 16th, 2015 by

2015-09-16 12.26.10This year, the Kitchen Cabinet is coming out of the cabinet (to coin a phrase), and appearing once a month in the Evelyn Young Dining Room at a table near the entrance. Each month, we’ll bring you a topic that’s near and dear to the hearts of KC members. Chances are good we’ll also bring you something to eat, and a fun activity or two….

Kitchen Cabinet Conversations are your chance to find out just what this committee is up to–and to see just a few of the places it connects to the life of the college.

At our inaugural Conversation, Big Hill Farm, the student-run organic farm that’s been giving us those delicious tomatoes in the salad bar, provided samples of delicious golden watermelon they grew.  Those who stopped at the table had a chance to play some pretty fierce games of Gustieware Pyramid (pictured below). But most importantly, they had a chance to learn about some of the projects the Cabinet has been involved in: Gustieware, the Fair Trade initiative, and the campus composter.

Our next Conversation will be October 14; the topic will be sustainability practices in the cafeteria and at Gustavus. Watch for reps from Fair Trade Gustavus!

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