Category: Food justice

  • Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes October 2015

    Kitchen Cabinet October 12, 2015 Jeri Miller, Margo Druschel, George Elliott , Paul Matzke, Chuck Niederriter, Patrick Neri, Jana Elliott(SAVE), Kaitlyn Bicek(SAVE), Mark Hanson , Steve Kjellgren, Lisa Heldke, Lindsay Rothschiller , JJ Akin, Andi Dickey, Erin Kuiper, Abby Nistler (Fair Trade) Fair Trade Margo and Abby discussed how Gustavus is working towards becoming a…

  • The Sociopolitics of Keeping Kosher, Observing Halal

    Two recent news items address the fact that our food choices carry tremendous social, cultural, religious and political weight–in case you hadn’t noticed. On NPR this week, a feature story chronicled the rise of Kosher keeping among millenials, including the emergence of boutique gefilte fish makers and Kosher banh mi sandwiches. A bleak story showed…

  • The World Food Clock

    From a colleague in Food Studies and Anthropology: How much food is being consumed around the world right now? It’s a vast question that can be answered by the World Food Clock. This interesting website draws on information provided by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and presents a streaming…

  • Fair Trade Towns USA brings Colombian Banana Producers to Gustavus

    On Friday, October 19th, Kitchen Cabinet hosted Felipe and Jorge, representatives from the Bananeras de Uraba S.A. and Corporacion Rosalba Zapata Cordona of Colombia, as well as Fair Trade Towns USA representative Courtney Lang to give a presentation on the benefits of fair trade. The presentation began with Courtney delivering information on the Fair Trade…

  • Fatty Foods as Addictive as Cocaine in Studies After reading this article, I began to wonder what role we play, as an institution, in regard to our food choices given to our students. In student affairs there is constant attention and programming in place to handle substance abuse, but what about food abuse? Should we be bringing this abuse to the floor…

  • Fall 2010 Kitchen Cabinet Meetings

    Meeting Dates have been announced for Fall 2010. They will be held at 7:15am in the Campus Center Building and will last approximately 1 hour. Dates are as follows: September 28th, October 19, November 23rd, and December 14th. Gustavus Community members who are interested in joining the KC or who wish to sit in on…

  • Equal Exchange Bananas! Beyond the Peel

    Look for Equal Exchange – Fair Trade bananas in MarketPlace and throughout the Dining Service in 2010-11. Whenever possible, Gustavus will offer Equal Exchange Bananas exclusively – Yea! Read more at Beyond the Peel.

  • Gustavus’ Fresh Eggs to be 100% Certified Cage Free!

    Gustavus’ Fresh Eggs to be 100% Certified Cage Free!

    Gustavus Dining Service has committed to prepare and serve only Cage Free eggs beginning in September 2010. The eggs will come from Minnesota and Wisconsin farms and are American Humane Certified. This means the farms follow strict guidelines in the care and well being of the laying hens. The hens are kept in an environment…

  • Gustavus has a new Coffee Partner!

    Gustavus has a new Coffee Partner!

    We are excited to announce partnership with Tiny Footprint Coffee! Look for the delicious, locally roasted, sustainably grown, Earth First brew soon in the Gustavus Adolphus MarketPlace and at catered events! Tiny Footprint Coffee

  • Gustavus included in Princeton Review’s new Guide to 286 Green Colleges:

    Gustavus Adolphus College cites justice as one of its core values, and it has prompted the community of “Gusties” on campus to take their roles as environmental stewards seriously.