Archive for April, 2014

Kitchen Cabinet Video #1 – What’s in the Cupboard?

In which Dr. Lisa Heldke, Philosophy, and Steve Kjellgren, Dining Service Director, give an overview of some of the considerations we encounter in the dining program at Gustavus Adolphus College. Stay tuned for a conversation on the topics of Community and Service as two of Gustavus’ Core Values and also embedded deeply into the mission […]

Kitchen Cabinet Minutes March 2014

Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes March 10, 2014 Laura Shilling, Mark Hanson, Lisa Heldke, Jessica Braun, Jeff Stocco, Jim Dontje, Steve Kjellgren, Rebecca Hare, George Elliott, Jessica Burggraf, Paul Matzke, Meghan Krause MVAC Meeting – MVAC will be starting a food hub (connection between farmers and churches, business, etc.). This is a way to purchase local. […]

Yes, Rene Descartes, the mind IS connected to the body!

And this study shows another absolutely astonishing way in which the connection apparently works. A psychologist has shown that there is a significant correlation between what we believe we have eaten and how our metabolism responds. In an experiment, clinical psychologist Alia Crum found that people who believed they’d consumed a 650-calorie milkshake experienced a […]

The World Food Clock

From a colleague in Food Studies and Anthropology: How much food is being consumed around the world right now? It’s a vast question that can be answered by the World Food Clock. This interesting website draws on information provided by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and presents a streaming […]