Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes March 2017

Kitchen Cabinet
March 13, 2017
Steve Kjellgren, Paul Matzke, Mark Hanson, Jessica Braun, Brady Kelley, Chuck Niederriter, Alan Meier, Erin Baumann, Gwen Saliares, Lisa Heldke, Jen Donkin, Jeri Miller, Molly Yunkers

New Faces – CICE & Facilities – Representatives were invited, but not in attendance today

Learn to live with Code Ed Partner Grant – Jessica Braun
Online platform students can access for free. Three different programs based on comprehensive assessment – Depression, Stress/anxiety, Social Anxiety. Over 1000 have accessed the website to at least take a look at it. 206 students are actively involved in the programs during 2016. Beneficial to students, especially those who want a private setting. Each program has 8 modules that take about 25 min each to complete & can be done at anytime. Sophomores largest group utilizing. 76% have not been in therapy so reaching a group that may not have been seen. There is also a coach “Jess” as part of the program. She can help encourage them to keep moving through the program.
With the coke grant able to sign a contract for 5 years and is a free service to students. We were the first college to utilize the program. The program is based out of the twin cities.

Big Hill Farm & Coke Grant
Erin, Sam & Lilly will be returning from last summer. The more senior leaders will be charged with creating a documented plan for the garden, both operationally and also in terms of long term development. New labor regulations mean workers have to be paid hourly rather than stipend. Jim was able to build a trammel screen for screening finished compost and has been put to use. Coke money funded the materials. Anything that doesn’t go through the screen is put back in compost to be used for later. We are now able to create our own potting soil for starting plants and better able to use the compost in general.
Data logging equipment was purchased with the coke grant money to monitor temps, etc. and is up and running. Jim is working on getting wireless access for the greenhouse and garden & solar power at the garden shed. The wireless access will allow some online record keeping as well as information gathering. He is using extra solar panels from Chuck N. When complete the drip irrigation system will be running full on rain water and will be solar powered (along with other equipment as possible).
Still under planning is adding a door connection between the green house and the larger building. This will allow some storage and easier access when we need to move materials in & out. Jim is also moving the biofilter inside the shed to make more room in the greenhouse.
Jim is feeling better about the direction the farm is going. Applications for student workers due this Friday. Over the summer working on soil productivity & ways to incorporate Big Hill Farm into Nobel 2018
April Environmental Fair (Thursday, April 20th)
Ideas to include:
Renew – vendor that works with Coke & takes their plastic bottles & makes caps, clothing, etc – Molly
Energy Bike – Chuck
Compost – before and after – Big Hill Farm / Paul
Nobel 2018 exhibit – Lisa
Fair Trade – Molly & Annaleise Cox
Gustavus Greens – Erin
Climate Justice Coalition Board
Allow students who have done environments/ climate research to have poster on display – undergrad research office can communicate – Tom Huber
Data Display – Energy – Chuck
Dorm Recycling – Jenna Arvidson
Kitchen Cabinet – Paul Matzke

Nobel 2018 – Dirt/Soil – Lisa Heldke
2019 topic is climate change. 5 people in place already for 2018: A French soil scientist, a Canadian speaker who works with plant communication, a speaker who is one of the pioneers working with soil microbes. Looking for an authoritative speaker to farmers Working on opportunities to get students involved. Having reading & discussion groups the spring before Nobel to get students interested & engaged. Also creating a weekend long summer sneak peek preview about the conference topics. The Tuesday night events will include exclusive access for Gustavus students to the conference speakers. Lisa is eager to work with students who want to work on projects related to the conference topics. Also open to ways to include the Big Hill Farm in Nobel activities, especially for visiting students. KC members recommended having stations that include hands on activities such as the composting screen. Also recommended mentioning the opportunities in Big Hill Farm through admission process and having seeds and compost for sale. Pass on any ideas to engage attendees to Lisa H.

New / Open Items

Upcoming meetings – April 10 & May 8

April 10 Survey Summary Discussion


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