Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes April 2019 Posted on October 4th, 2019 by

Kitchen Cabinet
April 8, 2018
Steve Kjellgren, Lisa Heldke, Kevin Birr, Bri Jol, Paul Matzke, Jessica Braun, Chuck Niederriter, Jen Donkin, Jim Dontje, Alan Meier, Danielle Burger, Molly Yunkers, Adam Bogen, Jeri Miller
EAC – Groundswell – Bri
Good turn out. They did 3 banners with lots of hand prints & one will be hung in the new Nobel. Also letters signed to sent to Dr. Bergemann changes needed due to climate change.
Sustainability has been added to the new curriculum and approved by the senate
There is a video that was created from throughout the day.
There were 300 who attended the event in Christ Chapel. Suggestion to have the presentation during the all employee meeting for non faculty staff to see

Discover the Outdoors – April 28th – Jim
There will be live music, tent, lots of kids and community activities. KC will plan to do solar smore’s again this year.
PESC Update – Jim
Moving ahead with initiatives outlined in the employee meeting. Working to involve custodial staff in the meeting. Goal is to have organic material and recyclables totally out of the waste stream.
Nobel Hall Café naming discussion-
Consensus that the name needs to include the art and science theme to combine both buildings.
STEAM House Artsci ActIon Crossroads
STEAM Hut Vertex Catalyst Connections
STEAM Café Vortex Earth Note
STEAM Kinetic Kinetic Motion
Café STEAM Nucleus Shakesbeaker

Winner will be named April 15

Enactus – Molly
Sold 10 (4 deliveries per card) punch cards for delivery meals. There is another delivery this coming weekend. The first weekend went smooth, but concern the first night was Africa Night which may have impacted participation. They are selling cards in the dorms.

How well are students being served?
What are we doing well, what are we not doing well? What do we need to push more on?
The cafeteria/dining service can be looked at as the center of education.
Discussion of cost vs services provided and expected and involving the students in this process and showing impact of changes positive or negative.

Next Meeting: May 13, 2019


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