Entries tagged with ‘food’
Gustavus Dining Service Earns an A+!
Well, the College Prowler – link here: – contributors think we’re doing a good job anyway…..and just who are those contributors? Why, they’re Gustie students of course!! Thanks Gusties for the vote of confidence and do let us know how things are going by sending a note to Chef_Jake@gustavus.edu !
It’s not just miles that count.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all our food were locally grown? Wouldn’t the world be a better place? Well, not necessarily. As a study at the University of Wales showed, the energy used in transporting food to market represents just a tiny fraction of the energy used to grow food. Conventionally raised foods (i.e. raised […]
The Food!
A great look at the what, why, where, and how!! http://gustavus.edu/video/admission/campuslife/food.php
The Future of Food
The Future Of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade.
Food: The Movie
A new movie, “Food, Inc.,” promises to address a whole grocery-list of issues raised by our contemporary industrial food system–nutrition, the environment, farm worker rights, and all points in between. You can see a trailer for the movie (cleverly advertised using a Holstein cow with a bar code on its flank) here. It looks interesting […]
Mood and Food
Increasingly, research is finding a connection between a person’s food intake and mood, behavior and brain function. The human brain has high energy and nutrient needs. Intake of energy and nutrients affect levels of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters allow nerve cells to communicate with each other and influence mood, sleep patterns, memory, […]