Year: 2011

  • Meeting Minutes — May 9, 2011

    Present: Jim Dontje, Chris Hall, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Joe Lencioni,  Mike Stehlik, Sarah Hund Guests: Becca Hohag, Christine Tenhoff D.S. Director’s report: Steve welcomed the group, but had to leave to conduct an interview of a job candidate. Guest presentations Christine Tenhoff: Junior biology major Tenhoff came to talk with us about the topic…

  • Student Senate Adopts Compost Resolution

    Student Senate Adopts Compost Resolution APPENDIX A Compost Committee Resolution ________________________________________ Adopted: GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS STUDENT SENATE, April 11, 2011 WHEREAS, maintaining environmental sustainability is a Tier 1 objective of Gustavus Commission 150, we, the Gustavus Adolphus College Student Senate, RECOGNIZE, over half of students and faculty polled think composting is a necessity on campus; PROCLAIM,…

  • Video: “Food Security in a Changing World: Expanding the Vision of Sustainable Agriculture” by Fred Kirschenmann

    A lecture on March 11, 2011 by Fred Kirschenmann, Distinguished Fellow, Aldo Leopold Center and Professor of Religion and Philosophy, Iowa State University; President, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture; President, Kirschenmann Family Farms.

  • Kithen Cabinet Meeting Minutes 3-25-2011

    Kitchen Cabinet Agenda March 25, 2011 7:15 a.m. Present: Aaron Banks, Judy Douglas, Bob Douglas, Deborah Downs-Miers, George Elliott, Kristina Fosse, Lisa Heldke, Renee Hoppe, Steve Kjellgren, Mike Stehlik, Rebecca Welp, New Greens Members Fosse and Hoppe introduced themselves, discussed their interest in being members of the KC, and reported on Greens activity. • The…

  • Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes February 25, 2011

    Kitchen Cabinet February 25, 2011 Minutes (including an I-didn’t-get-it-in-time report from Health Service) Present: Steve Kjellgren, George Elliott, Jim Dontje, Chris Hall, Bob Douglas, Lisa Heldke, Joe Lencioni Director’s report: • Steve reported no huge concerns, other than “where do we get fresh tomatoes?” He described the kinds of educational approach the DS takes, when…

  • 15 Easy Ways to Grow From Food Consumer to Food Citizen

    15 Easy Ways to Grow From Food Consumer to Food Citizen

      “Food citizens are eaters who take an interest in food beyond its affordability and availability. Food citizens are concerned about environmental sustainability, the health of farmers and consumers, issues of justice for farm workers and the poor, and democratic participation in determining where our food system is heading.” — Wisconsin Foodshed Research Project Read…