Kitchen Cabinet
December 12, 2016
Steve Kjellgren, Jeri Miller, Jen Donkin, Paul Matzke, Lisa Heldke, Michele Rusinko, Alan Meier, Brady Kelley, Jessica Braun, Chuck Niederriter, Margo Druschel, Brie Jol
New Faces: Brie Jol – From Eau Claire, WI, Representing Greens for Erin B.
The Survey – Jeri or Paul
Was hard to get the students to do the survey – did in cafeteria, offered to take to the tables. Easier in courtyard- handed out on clip boards while in line for coffee. The students that did the survey were good about completing it.
349 completed in MarketPlace, a number weren’t complete though. 200 completed in courtyard café. Did not reach enough to make measurable in Marketplace, there were enough from Courtyard.
Survey comments – many were questions that were so obvious – “we don’t have many vegetarian options”.
May have gone better if students were handing them out and more people were helping. Went well the day when there were a lot of other activities going on.
There was an electronic option but more expensive. Concerned the students get too many this way. Health service uses their route with a gift card incentive & still only get around 400 responses.
Would it help to have a student write an article in the paper to promote completing the survey to students?
The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation grant:
The donor has a son who attends here who complained to her about the Gustie ware and how it piles up. She requested a letter about this problem to request grant money. Funds will be used for recycling and Gustie Ware bins that is more recognizable and consistent. Requested $30,000 for 50 bin systems (complete system has 5 receptacles). $5000 of that grant is slated to be used to offer educational programming & aid in behavior change. Gustie ware is ending up in the trash rather than being reused which is costing $19,367.04 annually. Do as a competition between dorm buildings with an incentive? Ultimately culture change & incentives will help this be successful. Need to help educate the students on how they can impact this & start with first year students. Recycling, returning Gustie Ware and not stealing from the Market Place, turn off lights, not using elevator if not needed are good places to start. Steve plans to attend first year seminar to promote this.
Margo suggested inviting Steve to FTS (First Term Seminar) as another venue to promote. Another suggestion was to add Kitchen Cabinet to new faculty orientation. Also include in development of new employee orientation?
Deb Goodwin will have students work on promoting this and coordinating how to implement.
We need someone from facilities at the table for these conversations and participate in shared discussion to a solution to the recycling issues. We need their voice to help make the recycling process at Gustavus better. Who would be responsible in each building/dorm to get the compost, Gustie Ware, etc to the bigger bins? Building in expectation of students and educate PA’s to help promote this will make more successful.
Build in incentive for groups (sororities, etc.) to earn funs by helping with event recycling?
Coke Grant / Learn to Live Program
Going very well, helps fill need when counseling center back up. To keep students engaged there is a coach & incentives built in. Most students who participate complete 1-3 modules rather than all 8. Mid August thru end of October – 560 visits to site, 230 entered Gustavus code, 150 completed comprehensive assessment & 139 enrolled at new members. Question posed could this be part of a wellness credit if all modules completed?
KC Conversations:
December plan was to promote meatless options in the MarketPlace. TBD
Carry Over:
What should we do? What should we NOT do?
Nobel 2018 – Dirt?! – How can KC or BHF or Greens be involved?
Campus Kitchens Delivery on Fridays
How can we involve International Students in Menu Design?
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