November 28, 2023 Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes: Posted on November 28th, 2023 by

Kitchen Cabinet
November 28, 2023
Steve Kjellgren, Lisa Heldke, Kevin Birr, Jeri Miller, Adam Stewart, Jen Donkin, Stephanie Marsh, Mark Hanson, Danielle Burger, Lucas Lennartson, Soren Sackreiter, Kari Wallin, Karen Yess, Cristina Sirbu, Kari Eckheart

Athletics – Kari Eckheart – What will be the impact to athletes and others’ dining plans with changes in the academic calendar? Fall early returns, Fall break, January, post commencement? There will be a significant number of student athletes on campus. There are 600 + student athletes, International Students, Fine arts, and Student Leaders on campus impacted by this. If residence halls are open then Dining Service is open other than over holidays, but could this change? Funding departmental budgets for student meals should be considered. meals? Suggestions: Does the college allocate a daily budget for food and the student pays the difference? Is there a separate meal plan for those on campus during breaks, etc? A small group of campus leaders should meet to discuss.

Chef Adam – We are working with students who follow vegetarian and gluten free diet to change the order of the stations and offering more options. He is also looking at how to make adjustments to where items are served to have more options for vegetarian and allergy students.
Students are getting better at contacting chef@gustavus – asking for different cheese, etc & international students are offering recipes
Dietitian – Jen – Has been working with Chef Adam and students on the gluten free focus group to make improvements to gluten free options that are offered. Looking at getting in gluten free waffle batter and other items that can be offered.
Jen has been seeing more variety in students seeking appointments with her, less for accommodations and more athletes and others wanting to eat healthier. There has been more difficulty getting the accommodation paperwork completed from the students who have requested a housing or meal plan accommodation due to dietary restrictions/concerns.
Students shared some are wanting to adult and find ways to get an apartment and realize after they get it how much work it is to cook on their own. Some students may not complete the paperwork due to not having a true need based on the residential life application process. There are kitchens in each dorm building but often aren’t clean or the student doesn’t have the cooking tools to be able to cook and there aren’t reliable access to those tools. In years past there was kitchen equipment that could be checked out from the CF’s – this could be something to bring back. Having a kitchen on every floor would be more ideal for students. Also sign up for the kitchens could be helpful – possibly a google document.
Nobel kitchen – limited access to students because a staff member needs to be present. It is a teaching lab so there are more rules and guidelines for its use just like a chemistry or biology lab. Question posed can students be trained so more activities could be offered. It was recommended they speak to Brandy Russell.
Also suggested to have another kitchen space available to test recipes and try new items closer to the cafeteria that students would have access to.
Chaplains’ office is also looking at more programming and including food. There are some food safety concerns when other departments start serving food.
Sustainability – Kari Wallin – Clam Shell composting – Student senate is looking at a better composting system for the dorm rooms that would hold more clam shells or other ways to encourage more composting. Every room has a mini recycling, trash and composting bin and every building has large outdoor bins. The smaller bins in dorm rooms requires the students to empty them more often, which is often the issue. Gustie Ware is another option for students. Another concern is trash and dishes are put in the Gustie ware bins.
Update: Jeri Miller and Kevin Birr will be leaving the college at the end of the year

Next Meeting: January 9th, 2024 at 7 am


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