Category: Food justice
Minneapolis-St. Paul Atlas of Ethical Eating
Looking for a good place for dinner but are worried that eating out may compromise your ethics? Worry no more. The Heavy Table (a Twin Cities-based magazine telling the stories of food and drink in the Upper Midwest), Danny Schwartzman of Common Roots, veterinarian Will Winter of Thousand Hills Cattle company, and Jane Rosemarin from Slow Food Minnesota…
Eating What You Love: Ruminations on “The Compassionate Carnivore”
(Part One of two) I’ve been reading a book called The Compassionate Carnivore, by Catherine Friend, the southeastern Minnesota farmer who wrote Hit by a Farm. It’s an extremely thoughtful, readable book about how to make the choice to eat meat a responsible, sustainable, ethical, and (most of all) compassionate choice. Friend undertakes this project…
Who grew your rice?
In this BBC story, British student Stacey tells her story of spending five weeks in southeast Asia, working in the industries that supply Britain with its seafood and rice. Stacey came away from the experience confident in the quality and safety of the food being produced, but stunned and shocked by the toll it takes…