Year: 2013
November 2013 Minutes
Kitchen Cabinet November 4, 2013 Present: Rebecca Hare, Jeff Stocco, Jim Dontje, Steve Kjellgren, Lisa Heldke, Margo Druschell, Paul Matzke, George Elliott,Jessica Burggraf Student Senate Health and Housing Committee had questions and comments for the Dining Service. The following items were discussed at the meeting. Discussion topic #1: Representation of dining fee…
September 2013 Meeting Minutes:
Kitchen Cabinet September 23, 2013 Present: Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Paul Matzke, Rebecca Hare, Saskia Raether,Robbie Bragg, Jim Dontje, Margo Druschell, Mark Hanson, Jessica Braun, Pearl Leonard Rock, Charlie Potts, George Elliott The meeting began with an introduction of group members and how their lives intersect with the Kitchen Cabinet. The Kitchen Cabinet is in…
Can’t have any Pudding if you Don’t eat your Meat???
But then again…..Where Does Your Meat Come From? That is exactly the question posed by Sophomore Student Matthew Glaser recently – Here is the question: Dear Mr. Kjellgren, My name is Matthew Glaser and I’m a sophomore at Gustavus. I was just wondering where the meat in the caf comes from? Is it local from…
The composter cometh!
Jim Dontje reports that construction on our new composter has begun! Let the decomposition begin!
Kitchen Cabinet Minutes May 2013
Kitchen Cabinet May 13, 2013 Present: Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Paul Matzke, Rebecca Hare, Saskia Raether, Jim Dontje, Margo Druschell, Jeff Stocco, Judy Douglas, George Elliott We are going to spend time reflecting on this past year and would also like feedback on what we might want to work on in the future. Are we…
Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes April 15, 2013
Kitchen Cabinet April 15, 2013 Present: Erin Traxler, Rebecca Hare, Paul Matzke, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Ken Westphal, George Elliott, Judy Douglas, Bob Douglas, Laura Burgstahler, Dawn Comstock, Saskia Raether, Mark Hanson, Jack Healy, Braden Schmid, Jim Dontje, Steve Bennett Tobacco Free Campus Dawn, Laura, Jack and Braden attended KC to discuss the current effort…
KC Meeting Minutes March 2013
Kitchen Cabinet March 18, 2013 Present: Erin Traxler, Saskia Raether, Rebecca Hare, Lisa Heldke, Margo Druschell, Steve Kjellgren, Jim Dontje, George Elliott, Jeff Stocco, Scott Bur 1. Fair Trade – Steve gave an update on last week’s meeting with the Equal Exchange group that was on campus last Wednesday. Margo and Steve described what Equal…
Spring 2013 Coca-Cola Educational Partnership Grants Announced!
The Kitchen Cabinet is pleased to announce the inaugural recipients of 2013’s Coca-Cola Educational Partnership Grants. The grant committee, along with partners from Coca-Cola congratulate the following individuals who presented grant proposals that were either fully funded or substantially funded: Kari Eckheart, Assistant Athletics and Alcohol and Drug Education Director – project: 2013 Wellbeing Fair…
Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes February 2013
Present: Heather Dale, Mark Hanson, Erin Traxler, Saskia Raether, Lisa Heldke, Margo Druschell, Steve Kjellgren, Judy Douglas, Jim Dontje, George Elliott, Steve Bennett 1. Nutrition labeling – George discussed the Nutrition Labeling project and KC reviewed the label that will be available on the web this semester. It is currently on the test server and…
January 2013 Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes
Kitchen Cabinet January 7, 2013 Present: Jim Dontje, Jeff Stocco, Judy Douglas, Paul Matzke, Steve Kjellgren, Steve Bennett, Samantha Broeckert, George Elliott Introduction of Intern for J-term. Samantha Broeckert will be working with Steve Bennett for the month of January. She will be helping us with Good Food for Busy Gusties and the Wellness Initiative.…