Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes February 2013 Posted on February 19th, 2013 by

Present: Heather Dale, Mark Hanson, Erin Traxler, Saskia Raether, Lisa Heldke, Margo Druschell, Steve Kjellgren, Judy Douglas, Jim Dontje, George Elliott, Steve Bennett
1. Nutrition labeling – George discussed the Nutrition Labeling project and KC reviewed the label that will be available on the web this semester. It is currently on the test server and feedback is greatly appreciated. Overall, KC felt that it looked good. Ideally, it would be great if on the daily menu you could click on the item for that day and the label would pop up. At present the items are listed alphabetically and you would need to search for that item in that manner. If you would like to check out the label on the test server the address is:
2. Nutrition Action Plan Spring 2013 – George discussed the many ways we are providing a nutrition message across campus. The idea behind this plan is to unify the way the message is being sent across several areas and through different departments with a central theme each month. The places that are targeted: Marketplace (via digital signage, table tents and bright 8 ½ x 11 information sheets at point of service), Health Service bulletin boards outside of Health Service as well as in exam rooms in Health Service, Lund on the SAVE bulletin board, Student Health 101, as well as tying this all in with the Be Well initiative. The messages have always been out there, this is just a way of unifying all that we are doing in a more efficient manner.
3. Coca-Cola Committee – Steve summarized the meeting he had with the representatives from Coca-Cola. They were very satisfied with how the grant proposals were working, thought this was an amazing program that they really had not seen done elsewhere. So positive feedback from Coca-Cola. Judy discussed the proposals as well, seven of the proposals were signed off while Coca-Cola was here and another five more were submitted on Friday (deadline date). There were a nice variety of proposals from ideas that were more programming ideas that would be a one-time only benefit to proposals that might be more of a permanent fixture on campus. It was discussed how to give credit to Coca-Cola for what would be happening on campus and do it in a tasteful and respectful manner. Members of KC also thought it appropriate for the students who receive grant money to acknowledge it by means of a thank note to Coca-Cola. There was some discussion as when grant members could discuss their proposals, what they accomplished, etc. and Saskia suggested they go through Creative Inquiry, that way it would not be a separate event. It was also noted that there should be a deadline as to when the funds are used and the summary is summited.
4. Good Food for Busy Gusites – Steve Bennett discussed the program and the plans for the future. The December event did take place in the International Center Kitchen, it was a much better set up in regards to noise level and function. Overall the feedback has been positive from the students that have attended. The January event is set to take place at The St. Peter Food Co-Op. Steve and Samantha met with them over break and they are interested in having some type of relationship with us, we just are not sure what that may look like. It may be more demonstration vs. participation; we are not quite sure how this will evolve. Steve also discussed the importance of partnering with a student group on campus. KC members had different ideas as to how to reach out across campus to attract more students: nutrition classes, nursing classes, health classes, Residential life (who has already been very receptive), Student Senate, etc.
5. Dinner in a Box – Heather discussed how this program is working for sophomore students in her hall. It is basically all you need for 4-6 people, it is checked out on a Wednesday, the food in the box is all nonperishable with suggestions of what to add if you wanted some perishable items. Everything is in the box from the food to what to cook the food in to what to serve the food on; there are even conversation cards to get things started. This ties in nicely at the sophomore level and could Good Food for Busy Gusites still be marketed towards the junior/senior population.
6. Marketplace Creations Contest – Judy discussed the contest for March, it is National Nutrition Month and in the past different Peer Assistants have come up with some great ideas as to how to do things differently in The Marketplace. This idea is fun and gets everyone involved. It will be promoted in March and is also in the Student Health 101 newsletter.
7. College Prowler – Steve discussed the rankings and how they are nice to have and yet can be biased as well. Although I would like to point out that we rated well again in regards to our delicious food. Lisa brought up the point that it does raise student awareness and if nothing else students can take notice and be aware of what is happening now in their Marketplace.
8. Other Reports – Jim let us know the composter is on track and they continue to work on the green house proposal as well. Building codes are a lot stricter within the city limits and we want to make sure we are doing everything that we need to be doing to meet code. Jim also mentioned The Greens are doing a great job working on the climate issue and apparently there has been some good work done by students.


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