Category: Uncategorized

  • December 2012 KC Meeting Minutes

    Kitchen Cabinet December 10, 2012 Mark Hanson, Erin Traxler, Seymon Rozin, Saskia Raether, Rebecca Hare, Lisa Heldke, Margo Druschell, Steve Kjellgren, Judy Douglas, Jim Dontje, Lucy Tongen(Public Discourse Class), Deborah Goodwin, George Elliott, Steve Bennett, Jeff Stocco, Luke Fanning (Public Discourse Class), Amy Milberg (Fair Trade Information) Coke RFP Discussion The coke application process was…

  • Kitchen Cabinet Minutes November 2012

    Kitchen Cabinet November 12, 2012   Present: Paul Matzke, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Jim Dontje, Margo Druschell, Rebecca Hare, Saskia Raether, Mark Hanson, Steve Bennett, Semyon Rozin,  Judy Douglas, Michael Morimoto, George Elliott   Cross Country Team won the Conference! They are going to Nationals in Indiana. Congratulations! 1. Welcome Back Steve! It is great…

  • Fair Trade Towns USA brings Colombian Banana Producers to Gustavus

    On Friday, October 19th, Kitchen Cabinet hosted Felipe and Jorge, representatives from the Bananeras de Uraba S.A. and Corporacion Rosalba Zapata Cordona of Colombia, as well as Fair Trade Towns USA representative Courtney Lang to give a presentation on the benefits of fair trade. The presentation began with Courtney delivering information on the Fair Trade…

  • The Future of Fast Food?

    Here is an article from the Chicago Tribune that caught my attention. Last April Burger King pledged to switch to cage-free eggs and pork by 2017, and the article also mentions similar efforts being made by other companies such as Cargill, Hormel, and Smithfield Farms. It looks like a promising effort, and this important transition…

  • Meeting Minutes Kitchen Cabinet April 16, 2012

    Kitchen Cabinet April 16, 2012 Present: Joe Lenconi,Jim Dontje, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Molly Yunkers, Judy Douglas ,Bob Douglas, Margo Druschel , Christine Tenhoff , Steve Bennett, Jeff Stocco ,Rebecca, Saskia(representing The Greens), George Elliott The Real Thing Steve updated us on the Coke contract and the reasons behind choosing Coke over Pepsi. The Coke…

  • Truly Food for Thought

    A refreshing look at some intentionality within Higher-Ed to embrace the realities of the local and global condition of our food systems. Truly Food for Thought

  • The one minute philosopher: Ray Boisvert on food and philosophy

    Here’s one minute (literally) on the role of food in the history of western philosophy, by Ray Boisvert, philosopher at Siena College.

  • Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes February 13, 2012

    Kitchen Cabinet February 13, 2012 Present: Judy Douglas, Bob Douglas, Jeff Stocco, Lisa Hedlke, Mark Hanson, Steve Kjellgren, Steve Bennett, Joe Lenconi, Adam, Jim Dontje, George Elliott Beverage Contract The beverage contract has been proposed and submitted to both Coke and Pepsi. Steve met with both Regional Managers, who were intrigued and thought it interesting…

  • Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes December 12, 2011

    Kitchen Cabinet December 12, 2011 Present: Lisa Hedlke, Adam Lugsch-Tehle, Dillion Hall, Judy Douglas, Bob Douglas, Steve Kjellgren, Jeff Stocco, Josh Sande, Steve Bennett, Christine Tenhoff, Jim Dontje, George Elliott Briefly discussed International students being here over break and what their options are for obtaining food. Dining Service is available to assist our International students…

  • The Impracticality of a Cheeseburger…

    I guess I never thought of it this way…it is incredibly impractical…in fact…why does it exist?