Entries tagged with ‘Big Hill Farm’
Kitchen Cabinet Minutes: May, 2014
Kitchen Cabinet May 5, 2014 Steve Kjellgren, Lisa Heldke, Paul Matzke, Rebecca Hare, Jessica Burggraff, Margo Druschell , Meghan Krause, George Elliott, Molly Yunkers, Mark Hanson Meal Plan Accounts – A brief discussion on meal accounts and how they are used. Overall it seems as if meal plans do average out, some students run out […]
Kitchen Cabinet Video #1 – What’s in the Cupboard?
In which Dr. Lisa Heldke, Philosophy, and Steve Kjellgren, Dining Service Director, give an overview of some of the considerations we encounter in the dining program at Gustavus Adolphus College. Stay tuned for a conversation on the topics of Community and Service as two of Gustavus’ Core Values and also embedded deeply into the mission […]
Kitchen Cabinet Minutes March 2014
Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes March 10, 2014 Laura Shilling, Mark Hanson, Lisa Heldke, Jessica Braun, Jeff Stocco, Jim Dontje, Steve Kjellgren, Rebecca Hare, George Elliott, Jessica Burggraf, Paul Matzke, Meghan Krause MVAC Meeting – MVAC will be starting a food hub (connection between farmers and churches, business, etc.). This is a way to purchase local. […]
Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes April 15, 2013
Kitchen Cabinet April 15, 2013 Present: Erin Traxler, Rebecca Hare, Paul Matzke, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Ken Westphal, George Elliott, Judy Douglas, Bob Douglas, Laura Burgstahler, Dawn Comstock, Saskia Raether, Mark Hanson, Jack Healy, Braden Schmid, Jim Dontje, Steve Bennett Tobacco Free Campus Dawn, Laura, Jack and Braden attended KC to discuss the current effort […]
January 2013 Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes
Kitchen Cabinet January 7, 2013 Present: Jim Dontje, Jeff Stocco, Judy Douglas, Paul Matzke, Steve Kjellgren, Steve Bennett, Samantha Broeckert, George Elliott Introduction of Intern for J-term. Samantha Broeckert will be working with Steve Bennett for the month of January. She will be helping us with Good Food for Busy Gusties and the Wellness Initiative. […]
Student Senate Adopts Compost Resolution
Student Senate Adopts Compost Resolution APPENDIX A Compost Committee Resolution ________________________________________ Adopted: GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS STUDENT SENATE, April 11, 2011 WHEREAS, maintaining environmental sustainability is a Tier 1 objective of Gustavus Commission 150, we, the Gustavus Adolphus College Student Senate, RECOGNIZE, over half of students and faculty polled think composting is a necessity on campus; PROCLAIM, […]
Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes February 25, 2011
Kitchen Cabinet February 25, 2011 Minutes (including an I-didn’t-get-it-in-time report from Health Service) Present: Steve Kjellgren, George Elliott, Jim Dontje, Chris Hall, Bob Douglas, Lisa Heldke, Joe Lencioni Director’s report: • Steve reported no huge concerns, other than “where do we get fresh tomatoes?” He described the kinds of educational approach the DS takes, when […]
Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes 3-23-2010
Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes 3-23-2010 Present: Mike S., Lori S., Sujay R., Joe L., Steve K., Judy D., Bob D., Deborah D-M., Kim B., Susan K., Sara B., The group discussed the well written work of Hannah Twitton that was published in the March 19 issue of the Weekly. Steve hopes that raising awareness of […]