Category: Minutes

  • Meeting Minutes — October 10, 2011

    Attendance: Jim Dontje, Bob Douglas, Judy Douglas, Kristina Fosse, Renee Hoppe, Joe Lencioni, Steve Bennett, Jeff Stocco, Josh Sande, Chad Graham, Brooks Stapleton, Steve Kjellgren, Lisa Heldke, Christine Tenhoff,  George Elliott Guest: Ben Baatz Director’s report Beverage contract – Note the front page article on the current issue of The Gustavian Weekly.  Not a lot…

  • Meeting Minutes — September 12, 2011

    Present: Steve Bennett, James Dontje, Bob Douglas, Judy Douglas, George Elliott, Kristina Fosse, Lisa Heldke, Renee Hoppe, Amelia Holmes, Sarah Hund, Steve Kjellgren, Joe Lencioni, Adam Lugsch-Tehle, Brooks Stapleton, Mike Stehlik, Christine Tenhoff, Greg Wiessner Organizational announcements and intros (10 minutes): SAVE is focusing on issues of food and nutrition for athletes this year Greens’ energy…

  • Meeting Minutes — May 9, 2011

    Present: Jim Dontje, Chris Hall, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Joe Lencioni,  Mike Stehlik, Sarah Hund Guests: Becca Hohag, Christine Tenhoff D.S. Director’s report: Steve welcomed the group, but had to leave to conduct an interview of a job candidate. Guest presentations Christine Tenhoff: Junior biology major Tenhoff came to talk with us about the topic…

  • Meeting Minutes — November 23

    Present: Anna D., Susan K., Sujay R., Jim D., Christopher H., Steve K. Per the agenda, the bulk of discussions surrounded the Good Food For All event being coordinated by Barb Larson Taylor on February 12 and 13. Those present considered ways in which the KC might be helpful in coordinating and in staffing portions…

  • Meeting Minutes — October 19

    Present: Deborah Downs-Miers, Anna Drennen, Joe Lencioni, Jim Dontje, Kim Braun, Steve Kjellgren Those present addressed the following agenda: Meet new member –  Review Nobel from collective perspectives –  President Ohle’s announcement of a food/hunger learning and acting event in February –  Update from Christopher Hall –  What are the Greens up to? –  Big…

  • Meeting Minutes — September 28

    7:15am – Jackson Campus Center – St. Peter Room Present: Mike Stehlik, Joe Lencioni, Steve Kjellgren, Susan Kranz, Rebecca Welp, Judy Douglas, Sujay Rao Discussion about who is unrepresented or under represented – Can the Greens be more ‘front and center’?  Suggestion to invite Stephanie Otto from HES.  Big Hill Farm?…Jordan is on the KC…

  • Fall 2010 Kitchen Cabinet Meetings

    Meeting Dates have been announced for Fall 2010. They will be held at 7:15am in the Campus Center Building and will last approximately 1 hour. Dates are as follows: September 28th, October 19, November 23rd, and December 14th. Gustavus Community members who are interested in joining the KC or who wish to sit in on…

  • Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes 3-23-2010

    Kitchen Cabinet Meeting Minutes 3-23-2010 Present: Mike S., Lori S., Sujay R., Joe L., Steve K., Judy D., Bob D., Deborah D-M., Kim B., Susan K., Sara B., The group discussed the well written work of Hannah Twitton that was published in the March 19 issue of the Weekly. Steve hopes that raising awareness of…

  • Meeting Minutes — December 8, 2009

    Present: Jim Dontje, Judy Douglas, Deborah Downs Miers, Stacy Gerken, Lisa Heldke, Steve Kjellgren, Joe Lencioni Guest: Hannah Twiton Membership:  Next semester, a number of people will be leaving and others will be returning: Current student members: Chris Hall will be away, but Kim Braun and Jordan Walker will be returning Additional student members: Deborah…

  • Meeting Minutes — November 17, 2009

    Present: Lisa Heldke, Joe Lencioni, Stacey Gerken, Judy Douglass, Sujay Rao, Rebecca Welp, Deborah Downs Meiers, Jim Dontje, Mike Stehlik, Phil Finnochario, Steve Kjellgren Chief agenda item: “Continuing” the discussion of an ethical decision making framework for the Dining Service. Given the concrete issue currently on the table before us (water bottles), I propose that…